.allowing weeds to grow

.allowing weeds to grow - originally written November 6, 2022

Weeds have this special trick - they grow flowers. Because of this it can take time for us to realize if a weed is a weed or not. Sometimes, we see them and think, “This isn’t a weed, it's a flower!” But, is it???!

In the human experience, people and experiences can be weeds. Let’s take a relationship as an example - you begin a relationship with another person (romantic or platonic, it doesn’t matter) and in the beginning, it’s good! You all spend time together, laugh together, support each other’s dreams, etc. But as you (the plant) grow spiritually, you notice subtle actions throw off your growth and alignment as a plant. However, you think, “this person would never do that intentionally! They make me laugh and spend time with me - they’re a flower!” You continue to let this weed… I mean friend, grow in your life. As you try to water yourself, expose yourself to sunlight, and form bonds with other plants… I mean people, you feel your new bonds are not welcomed, this person and/or experience does not want you spending that much time in the sun. As this relationship has grown, their “true colors” are revealing themselves - you get the point, they are a weed. Now before you get all down on yourself because you just had this moment of epiphany and now you know better and should do better, I invite you to two things: 1) grace 2) tell yourself “this weed growing, can be good”. 

First, you must extend grace to yourself (the plant) and your friend (the weed). You did not knowingly have the conversation in your mind “I want this person to suck the nutrients/life out of me”, then consciously make the decision for them to grow, while being aware of the fact that they were a weed - this did not happen. Also, they did not consciously have the conversation in their mind “I want to suck the nutrients/life out of this person”, then consciously make the decision, with the intention, to hurt you - this also did not happen. Unfortunately, believe it or not, they were in a relationship with you in the best way they knew how (stay tuned for that blog post ;)). 

Next - I was reading this article titled The Garden Weeds Revolution: Let Them Grow! by Stephanie Rose and she states that weeds “thrive in the worst conditions. And they do their work fast! Weeds don’t sprout until… the soil requests their presence.” Even though this person and/or experience turned out to be a spiritual “weed”, your “soil” (this can be God, the Universe, Pachamama, whomever) requested their presence for a purpose - by allowing them to grow (unknowingly) they/it showed you a piece of yourself that you need to confront (and have been ignoring!) to grow into the beautiful plant you can be. Your “soil” is using this person and/or experience to tell you that your plant needs ____ - maybe it needs you to confront the resentment you feel from an ex, or confront the feelings of undeservingness you feel when it comes to pursuing your dreams. Whatever it is, the plant (you!) is trying to grow from the worst conditions possible and it can’t. “The good” that comes from this is that now you know the conversations you need to have with yourself to grow optimally. 

At this point, I invite you to choose courage - cut the weed, thank it for showing you its purpose, and choose to give your plant (you!!) what it truly needs at this stage in your life.  By no means is this easy or fun, but now you have the power and awareness to change the trajectory of your plant’s (you!!!!!!!) growth.

Gabriela Simoné Grant